Friday, September 6, 2024

Pre-Debate Anxiety; Word Salad

If Trump were held to the same standard as any normal politician he would disqualified right now. If

Graphic from CNN
Harris had given his gibberish, word-salad answer to a question about childcare, she would out of the running. So why does these MAGA morons still support Trump? Vance's respond on a similar query wasn't much better. He said get Grandma, Grandpa, Aunties, or Uncles should be called upon to help with daycare and if none are available, the authorities should lower the standards for getting a child care license. 

Trump claims he's not rambling, he's weaving separate bits of info to create a beautiful tapestry of meaning. Who does he think he is, Rachel Maddow? She can do that--talk for 20 or 30 mins on seemingly unrelated topics, but stitch them together into a brilliant narrative. Trump juts spouts words like Bart Simpson giving a book report on a book he didn't read. (OK, I got that bit from Morning Joe this morning.)

This has me worried because if Trump can put together a coherent sentence and doesn't look like a total blithering idiot, expectations for him are damn low he will be seen as winning Tuesday night's debate with Harris. Plus the mics will be muted so he won't be tempted to talk over Harris and the moderators and sound like a rambling jerk. 

Another news flash which infuriates me: the judge in the hush money case has postponed sentencing till after the election, almost at Thanksgiving. What if Trump wins? How will the sentence be carried out? Will he have to wear an ankle bracelet in the White House (This picture is amusing and would work for an SNL sketch but not for reality.)

On top of that, Trump held a 45-min. rant and called it a press conference, re-opening the E. Jean Carroll case, castigating her and the other woman accusing him of sexual assault. Time for a third lawsuit, Donny? I repeat, how can anyone support this guy to lead our country?

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