Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Campaign of Vibes and Feelings

This Presidential race will not be won on policy, but on vibes and feelings. Trump won in 2016 because he made MAGA supporters feel seen, even if his policies didn't impact them particularly or made them actually richer or safer. He made them feel their concerns and fears were justified. Hillary couldn't do that. Obama made a connection with voters that Romney didn't. Right now as the Democratic National Convention turns into a dance party celebration, Harris is selling hope, and perhaps more importantly, normalcy. Walz's description of their opponents as weird is striking a chord. Trump and Vance's extreme stances on abortion and family life are outside of the mainstream. But, this does not guarantee a win for Harris.

There is still a sizable chunk of voters who like Trump and how he makes them feel. CNN recently profiled a cross-section of Iowa voters who were for Halley, but are now resigned to voting for Trump. They were interviewed by John King and they sounded as if this were a normal election, weighing the positions of each candidate. King did not ask them about Trumpy attempting to overthrow a legal election and instigating a violent mob to invade the capital. To them, Trump best represented their interests. One farmer said she felt the people in Washington didn't care about her or listen to her, but Trump did. He made her feel seen. I don't want to speak for her, but it seems she didn't care about his being a threat to our democracy, or she didn't believe he is.

I have also heard of some Jewish voters turning away from the Dems and towards Trump because their children are the subject of anti-Semitic attacks at college from their pro-Palestinian classmates and they feel the universities' administrations are not doing enough to protect them. They feel Trump will make their kids safe.

Harris' joyful vibe might be enough to counteract Trump's fear-filled rage. The first two nights of the DNC have been an ecstatic love fest as opposed to the RNC's cult of American carnage. Trump's advisors keep telling him to stick to the issues, but what has he got? He killed the bill to strengthen the border because it would have made Biden look good. Violent crime is lower now than when Trump was in office. Employment and stocks are up and inflation is down. But those people in Iowa feel he is there for them. Harris must convince enough people in the middle she is the one for them. Hopefully, this sugar-rush of Dem excitement will continue until the debate (apparently there is only one both parties have agreed to) when she will crush him (I pray).

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