Sunday, February 11, 2024

10 Reasons to Watch Voyage of the Damned on Pluto

Here's a list of reasons you should watch Voyage of the Damned (1976) on Pluto: 

Oskar Werner and Faye Dunaway in
Voyage of the Damned.

1. It's free.

2. it's stuffed with stars.

3) Lee Grant copped an Oscar nomination for her hair-snipping scene.

4) it features one of Orson Welles' I-need-cash-to-finance-my-next big-unfinished-movie performances. Welles plays a Cuban financier who haggles with Ben Gazzara over the amount of bribery money it will take to allow the Jewish refugees into Havana. In one of the few spontaneous and off-the-cuff moments of the film, Welles is sitting in a horse-drawn carriage with a slim, attractive young woman (obviously a paid mistress). Victor Spinetti is pleading with Welles for the lives of his two little daughters, stuck on the ship. The mistress is reading a magazine. In the middle of this emotional scene, Welles turns to her and says, "Why don't you wear your glasses?"

5) Oskar Werner in an obvious toupee and Faye Dunaway wearing a monocle.

6) Julie Harris weeping. She's probably thinking, "I have four Tony Awards and I have to do this crap?" (She hadn't won the fifth one yet. It was for The Belle of Amherst in 1977).

7) Wendy Hiller suffering nobly after her husband Luther Adler dies.

8) James Mason threatening Jose Ferrer

9) Katharine Ross as a prostitute. Also the extremely tacky red walls in the Havana brothel. The whole milieu is a riot with someone looking like Hermione Gingold as the madame.

10) A very young Jonathan Pryce as a former inmate at a concentration camp.

The picture was good for a sloshy, late 70s dish of TV-movie-level melodrama but be ready to tolerate countless commercial interruptions for Alfa Romeos.

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