Friday, April 14, 2023

Rematch in 2024: Good Grandpa Vs. Evil Grandpa

Rematch in 2024?
While waiting for a doctor's appointment, I overheard a conversation among three people--one older white male, a late-middle-aged African-American woman, and her elderly father. After praising the doctor they had come to see, the white guy steered the talk to the sorry state of our country and our world. The Dalai Lama saying saying suggestive to a young boy, mass shootings, crime, inflation, etc. The usual. He then proceeded to trash Biden, listing examples of the President's failing memory and supposed advanced state of senility. In a speech, the prez mistook a woman who was dead as being still among us. He seemed lost at a state meeting. You get the idea. "And this is our president," the white gentleman dismissively complained. The elderly black gentleman and his daughter agreed we are in a sorry state, but they did not agree or disagree with the white guy about Biden. Of course, I tactfully did not say anything, being seated several chairs away. If I were right next to them, I might have said "Would you rather have Trump? Because that was the choice--and it's probably going to be the choice again in 2024." Of course, the man could have been disliked Trump too and be one of those people who thinks all politicians are awful and we're basically doomed.

Since his indictment last week for falsifying business records to cover up the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, Trump's favorability rating has plummeted to 25 percent. That makes me happy since it lessens his chances of getting re-elected. However, it doesn't mean that he won't get the GOP nomination. His hardcore base still loves him. Even his recent praise of dictators Putin, Xi and Un has not deterred these MAGA-heads.

But I was also heartened by a column in Vanity Fair from Molly Jong-Fast (daughter of Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying), who made an appearance on Morning Joe this week. She observes a damaging quadruple whammy of unforced errors spells trouble for the GOP in 2024. These are 

1) abortion restrictions such as the Texas judge's whacko ruling prohibiting the abortion pill and Ron DeSantis' six-week ban; 

2) doubling down on unlimited gun love after back-to-back mass shootings in Nashville and Louisville; 

3) the expulsion of two of the Tennessee Three from the Republican-dominated state legislature (the black guys were expelled but the white lady stayed); 

4) the continued support of Trump despite his legal woes and status as an indicted potential felon.

We should never count Trump out. He's bounced back before. Biden will be 82 when the election comes around. His health and mental acuity are a concern. So nothing is for certain.

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